Thank you for all the ways that you support our church. Your prayers, presence, your service and your gifts. I know that we have all seen ways people are making a difference in the church. From our recently remodeled downstairs bathroom to our growing choir. There are also some ways that people are helping that are harder to see. For example our finance committee which meet recently. As part of their leadership in our church they have discerned a need to expand our giving options. Starting this month Signal Mountain UMC is going to be offering an electronic giving option for people who would like to make their regular offerings that way. Thanks to our new system your contributions to the church can now be debited automatically from a bank account or processed using a card. It is my hope and the hope of the finance committee that this new option will offer convenience and the ability to give without needing to carry cash or write checks. If you are happy with the way you are currently giving financially to the church by giving cash or by writing checks please continue to do so. This new option is meant to help make sure that we are helping create opportunities for people to support the church in the ways that fit their life style. With the new electronic giving you will be able to set up reoccurring offerings and make contributions at anytime from anywhere. If you have any questions about our new giving option please feel free to ask me (Pastor Caleb), Mona Geer or Frank Flegel. There will also be some materials about the new giving option available in the Narthex and online. Thank you again for your support of the church.