About Us

Who Are We

We are a community. A community that is centered on the work of God in our lives and in the world. At our church we want to get to know God and we want to get to know each other. We would also love to get to know you for who you really are.

Changing Lives Together

None of us were meant to go through life alone. God gave us the gift of friendship and community so that we might grow closer to others as we grow closer to God. At Signal Mountain UMC we are working together to change our lives by growing in love and becoming more like Jesus. We our also working to change lives in our community by helping people experience the love of God in their lives.

We are also a part of the United Methodist Church.  This means that we are part of a global denomination that has a theological heritage given to us by John Wesley.   John Wesley stressed the importance of sharing grace because he believed that the grace of God was for everyone.  So we seek to follow his guidance.  He believed that religion should combine the head and the heart.  So we seek not just to love God but also to learn and grow in our faith.  John Wesley also had the unique belief that the Christian life is a journey.  It is a journey that starts when we accept Jesus, but doesn’t end there.  Wesley encourages his followers to grow ever closer to Jesus and ever more Christ-like in though and action.

What we believe

We believe that the Word of God is still speaking to us.  That the love of Christ is still unfolding and that the work of the Holy Spirit is very much a work in progress.  We stand with the historical Christian faith in our understanding of the trinity: One God In Three Persons in perfect Community.  We believe that God came into the world through Jesus to experience human life.  Not to judge us, but show the mercy and love God experiences for us.  We believe that it is possible for everyone to experience the love of God no matter who they are.






Visit us

We would love to have you join us on Sunday Morning at 11AM or Wednesday nights for bible study at 5:30PM. When you visit us, come wearing whatever makes you comfortable.   During the Worship Service we offer nursery care for younger children.

We are located at 3419 Taft Highway, on the corner of Taft Highway and Anderson Pike. It’s easy to find, just look for the white church that says Signal Mountain United Methodist on the sign.